WPC Polly Page

Portrayed By: Lisa Geoghan

First AppearanceSpit and Polish (15.10.92)

Final Appearance #206 (8.4.04)

Call Sign

The tale of Polly Page is rather a sad story. Desperate to find her one true love Polly lurched from one disastrous relationship to another. Her career followed in the same sorry line. However, Polly wasn’t one to be full of doom and gloom, she was in the main a cheerful character (except of course the time when she was being treated for depression and tried to take her life during the Sun Hill fire). She started her time at Sun Hill as a probationer and in 1992 joined B Relief with a rosey future ahead of her. Keen and caring Polly was a police officer who had a good relationship with the public. However, Polly had a major downfall, PC Dave Quinnann whom she had a not so secret crush on for years. Dave broke her heart after an affair and Polly’s life took a downward spiral, she had to battle depression, a suicide attempt. Polly took time out from Sun Hill to pull herself together and returned as a and then of course there was a damned friendship with a terminally ill doctor, whom she helped end his life. With the help of her psychotic friend Cathy Bradford, Polly found herself in jail on a murder charge. She was released on appeal and went back to Sun Hill to work as a civilian CAD operator. Understandably Polly found not being a real police officer difficult to handle and after being on the end of jibes from Cathy Bradford she left Sun Hill to make herself a new start.



Official Site

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0313287/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

Where Can I See Lisa Now?

Lisa has recently given the most brilliant interview on The Bill Podcasts, do take a listen.