PC Andrea Dunbar

Portrayed by: Natalie Robb

First Appearance Episode 197

Final Appearance Episode 289

Call Sign Sierra Oscar 943


PC Andrea Dunbarr was a woman of many faces, to some she was a probationary police constable who showed plenty of promise for a future career in the MET, she was clever, quick to pick up new skills and had a good rapport with officers and public alike. To others Andrea was a journalist, deep undercover searching for the next big story. Her editor, Bruce, spent much of his day messaging Andrea in the hope his story will come sooner. To DI Neil Manson, Andrea was a secret lover and someone to converse in his work worries with. Unfortunately to Neil the contents of their conversation would find their way to the newspapers in the following day. To Gabriel Kent, Andrea was dangerous and needed to be stopped before she exposed his real self. Andrea had that many facets to her personality that the viewer did wonder whether Andrea herself knew who she was. Maybe that was the reason why Andrea kept her private life, just that, private, which proved to be a problem when she was injured in a bomb blast because nobody could call her next-of-kin.

After surviving undercover for a year in the force, Andrea’s cover was blown, leaving her to face the wrath of Gina Gold and fatally compromising her testimony at the trial of serial rapist Alan Kennedy, who was acquitted. In the hope to redeem herself, Andrea made one last effort to gather incriminating evidence against Gabriel Kent – only to end up being held hostage in a store room. In the end, Gabriel left her to die in the station fire, along with all the evidence she had against him.




Official Site

Twitter https://twitter.com/nataliejcrobb

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0730220/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

Where Can I See Natalie Now?

Natalie can currently be seen in the ITV soap, Emmerdale.