Letter From Helvetica

New episodes every Sunday at 8pm available on Soundcloud and Apple.

Letter from Helvetica is a wonderful dramatised podcast written by the very talented Andrew Macintosh whom fans of The Bill will fondly remember his role as Alistair Greg.  Andrew Macintosh is joined by Natalie Roles (Debbie McAllister) in the podcast, which is produced by Oliver Crocker whose The Bill Podcasts have been a hit with fans of The Bill.

It is a most delightful story told through the correspondence between  Abigail Wesley, a young and talented botanist on a yearlong research project in the South Pacific, and her Uncle John, a retired Lieutenant Colonel living in the tiny Cornish village of Helvetica. I have been allowed a sneak peak at the first two chapters of this podcast and can honestly say I am hooked and desperately want to hear more!  I found myself chuckling at the gentle humour which is peppered throughout the story.

The Billaton cannot recommend Letter from Helvetica highly enough. It is an absolute joy.

If you would like to contribute toward the production of Letter From Helvetica there is a crowdfund with exclusive merchandise available, please click the link for more details. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/letter-from-helvetica-dramatised-podcast-series#/

Do give them a ‘like’ on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please don’t forget to share their posts and spread the joy to your family and friends.