Sgt Jo Masters

Portrayed by Sally Rogers

First Appearance: #275 (5.1.05)

Call Sign: 46

Superintendent Adam Okaro originally brought DC Jo Masters to Sun Hill CID to help defuse tension between two of her senior officers: Jack Meadows and Neil Manson. Bizarrely she was allowed to transfer to Sun Hill because her senior officer in her previous station did not like her, what is there not to like about Jo? That police stations loss was Sun Hills gain. Since her arrival in 2005 Jo has been kept on her toes. She was made a contact officer for a released child serial killer and then used her knowledge gained from this job to go undercover operation at a women’s prison. She was kidnapped by Rachel Inns during the murder investigation of Cindy Statham and has worked undercover for Nottingham CID. When the uniform branch at Sun Hill needed a sergeant, Jack Meadows was quick to offer Jo the post.  A quick glance at Jo’s past history in CID shows she will make a great leader, she helped DC Gary Best to complain about DC Susie Sim bullying him. Later we watched her guide DC Grace Dasari through a difficult investigation. Jo has a very quick wit and can be a tad sarcastic but is never one to turn down a challenge.  She was last seen in uniform leading her troops.



“What’s this? DC Dasari by day, Spider Woman by night?”

PC Will Fletcher: “You got a minute?”
DC Jo Masters: “Errr… no, as it happens, I don’t… Wanna know why? I’ve just come from court… three months I spent preparing for that court appearance… an entire rainforest has died to provide the amount of paperwork I’ve submitted… the electricity bill for the unpaid overtime I’ve clocked, has irrevicably changed the earth’s climate… and ya know what? The judge throws it out on the first day of trial, on a technicality. So no, I dont have a minute… I wanna sit at ma desk… I wanna eat a cream filled chocolate eclair… and I wanna surf the net for holidays in the Seychelles… ”

(To Phil Hunter on his final day) “You moving to Special Projects is the same as Rambo moving to Dibley.”

Official website



Where Can I see Sally Now?

We are waiting to hear of Sally’s next role and when her play which she has written will be resumed. Please watch this space for more info.