Sgt Sheelagh Murphy

Portrayed By Bernie Nolan

First Appearance Episode 089

Final Appearance Episode 363

Call Sign 66 (Sgt.) 661 (P.C.)

Sheelagh Murphy’s time at Sun Hill was quite eventful. She arrived as a sergeant, married to a cabbie called Patrick. Unfortunately for Patrick Sheelagh had an eye for unhinged men. Her affair with Des Taviner and consequent birth of her daughter, Niamh, brought an early end to her marriage.  Sheelagh’s happiness with Des was short lived, Des went on the run avoiding arrest for the murder of his colleagues then they suffered the trauma of their baby daughter’s death. Sheila had the difficult task of breaking the news to Des.  Des wanted Sheelagh to come away with him, she refused, not long after Des was apprehended and died in custody. Sheelagh’s relationship with Gabriel Kent was just as eventful.  After being forced to keep their engagement secret he snapped one too many times, tied up Sheelagh and threw himself off the roof of a very tall building.  Sheila was a popular officer both as a sergeant and then as a PC after her demotion. One fellow officer, Lance, helped her to come to terms and embrace her son Connor’s sexuality, leading many a night in partying in Canley’s nightclubs together.



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Bernie Nolan

Bernie sadly died in 2013.