Inspector Andrew Monroe

Portrayed by Colin Tarrant

First Appearance I’d Thought You’d Gone

Final Appearance #008

Exit Storyline killed in station explosion

call sign

Andrew Monroe was one officer at Sun Hill who lived his life by the rule book. He was politically correct and was not afraid to correct other officers in the ranks also…. Andrew had his standards and expected other officers to reach these standards also. One officer who did not meet these standards was DS Ted Roach who lost his job after punching Ted Roach (with most of the relief listening in behind the door!). Andrew’s reputation preceded him, most of the relief were never too sure how to take him, but for the viewer Andrew was seen as a firm but fair Inspector.  There was another side of Andrew Monroe a husband and a father the two roles rarely mixed, one exception was when his daughter, Jackie was arrested for shop lifting –  it amused Sgt Boyden no end. Andrew Monroe was killed by an explosion that killed 5 other officers. The explosion caused by Des Taviner who needed to cover up some dodgy £50 notes before Andrew himself saw them.




Colin Tarrant

Sadly Colin died in January 2012.