The Bill Websites

Below can be found a list of websites dedicated to The Bill that you may like to visit:

The Bill Wikia:

The Bill Wikipedia:

The Bill Podcast on Soundcloud:

The Bill Podcast Patreon Channel:

The Bill Memorabilia


The Bill Fan Pages on Twitter:

The Billaton Twitter Page:

The Bill Fans:

The Bill Fan Page:

The Bill & Memorabilia:

The Bill Fans Official:

Alex Walkinshaw Fans


The Bill Fan Pages/Groups on Facebook

The Billaton Facebook Page:

The Bill Podcast:

The Bill Access All Areas

Stampers: The Graham Cole Fansite:


The Bill Fan Pages on Instagram

Callis&Hazelgrove (dedicated to Sam Callis:

To fellow owners of The Bill websites, The Bill Facebook Pages and The Bill Twitter Pages we apologise if we have not yet shared your website/page, please do contact us with a link and we will be more than happy to share your website on here.  As far as we are concerned the more websites dedicated to The Bill the better it is for fans of the show.