Superintendent John Heaton

Portrayed By: Daniel Flynn

First Appearance #421 22 June 2006

Final Appearance Conviction: Judgement Day 16/7/09

Call Sign Sierra Oscar 5-2

When Superintendent John Heaton arrived at Sun Hill he didn’t ingratiate himself to the officers at Sun Hill. But once he did get his feet under the desk he became well respected and trusted. He had to earn the trust of not only his officers but viewers also when he was determined to investigate DAC Georgia Hobbs, a superior officer whom he had an affair with. Trust was something that his wife, Rhiannon had issues with however. John had an eye for the ladies not long after his affair with Georgia had finished he embarked on a fling with Mia Parry, much to Mickey Webb’s dismay. John received a smack from Mickey and would have quite happily removed Mickey from Sun Hill if it wasn’t for Jack Meadow’s intervention. Superintendent Heaton’s past came back to haunt him, when Ray Moore, gangster and ex-police officer returned to Sun Hill. Ray created havoc and John who took Ray’s return very personally sent his wife and daughter, Charlie into hiding until Ray was found dead. John finally left in 2009 to take up a role in the trafficking unit taking with him several Sun Hill officers.



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Where Can I See Daniel Now?

We are waiting to hear of Daniel’s next project, please watch this space for news.