Sgt Diane Noble

Portrayed By: Kaye Wragg

First Appearance Episode 441

Final Appearance Old Habits

Call Sign SO 483, SO 48

Diane Noble was a more than competent police officer, so much so after returning from spending time with her young son, Robert, she returned to Sun Hill one final time as a sergeant. Her past gave her kudos with fellow ex-squaddie Dale Smith and it also returned to haunt her when she helped other ex-soldiers whom she’d worked alongside during her time in the army. Diane was a good officer, not afraid to get stuck in and was well respected by all whom she worked. When she returned as a sergeant the relief were genuinely pleased to have her lead them. We were left in no doubt that once she had left Sun Hill Diane would have thrived in her new role as sergeant at Barton Street.



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Where Can I See Kaye Now?
Kaye is currently starring in the BBC drama Holby City.