Sgt Alec Peters

Portrayed by Larry Dann

First Appearance Funny Ol’ Business – Cops & Robbers

Final Appearance Chicken

Guest appearance: Episode 248

Sergeant Alec Peters was one third of the of the Holy Sun Hill trinity – Cryer, Penny being the other two thirds.  Alec was a jovial officer, often seen with a smile on his face and a joke ready to hand.  Maybe spending much of his time off at his allotment was the perfect escape for this inner city sergeant.  He was a good sergeant and lead by example. However, Alec was not always popular with his superior officers, attempting to arrest the crew of a Naval ship, would have that effect. Unfortunately Alec’s career came to an abrupt halt when her was attacked by a drug addict and was stabbed in the stomach. Alec survived but we are lead to believe he struggled to cope back at work.  He was given a desk job and sent ‘upstairs’ where we never saw him working again.
We did meet Alec once more many years later, when he joined Jack Meadows and Bob Cryer at the funeral of their old colleague Ted Roach. Still his jovial self, having fun on karaoke in the local pub, we can only imagine that Alec is still driving his VW transporter van around the British countryside.

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Where Can I See Larry Now?

Larry can be heard in a The Bill podcast, highly recommended