Season 26

Season 26 Episode 1
Be a Man

DC Webb becomes suspicious of Sgt Stone after his handling of a man suffering from depression.

Season 26 Episode 2
Held Responsible

DC Perkins visits a clinic for rape victims and interviews a 16-year-old who claims to have been raped by her boyfriend and his three friends. DCs Masters and Banks interview the suspects, who admit to having sex with the girl, but claim that she initiated it.

Season 26 Episode 3
Duty Calls

Sgt Stone and PC Taylor respond to a report of a burglary in progress. DCs Masters and Dasari interview the suspect, who claims to have believed the flat to be abandoned, but Masters becomes convinced that he has been stalking the woman who lives in the flat.

Season 26 Episode 4
New Beginnings

Sgt Masters and PC Taylor attend the scene of an aggravated burglary in which the home-owner has been killed. DS Carter and DC Dasari discover that the widow has been on the missing persons register for twenty years, and that the dead man had been having an affair.

Season 26 Episode 5
Time Bomb

PC Gayle oversees the evacuation of an office building while Sgt Stone deals with the terrified PA who is left holding a letter bomb. The bomb explodes harmlessly, but DC Dasari is convinced that the bomb-maker poses a genuine threat to the office manager.

Season 26 Episode 6
Keep Her Talking

Sgt Stone and PC Taylor respond to a report of a four-year-old left home alone, and find the irate father outside while his estranged ex-wife has locked herself in with their young son. When a firearm is discharged, CO19 lay siege to the house. Sgt Masters negotiates with the mother, who tells a very different tale of the circumstances leading to her drugs arrest and detention under the Mental Health Act.

Season 26 Episode 7
Crossing the Line

An off-duty Sgt Stone sees a couple arguing. When the man starts to hit the woman, Stone intervenes, but is badly beaten. Sgt Masters interviews the woman, who claims she was the victim of a random mugging and doesn’t want to make a statement. PCs Knight and Ryder uncover a relationship between the man and the woman’s son, but when there is insufficient evidence to prosecute, Sgt Stone decides to take the law into his own hands.

Season 26 Episode 8
Red Tape

Sgts Stone and Masters co-ordinate the control of a violent disturbance outside a nightclub. DS Moss and DC Banks investigate a robbery of the club that took place during the disturbance. New Borough Commander Lisa Kennedy initiates an enquiry when video footage of Stone apparently using excessive force on a passer-by is posted on the internet.

Season 26 Episode 9
Protect & Serve

PCs Roberts and Gayle are shot at while on patrol. Insp Smith and Sgt Masters co-ordinate operations on the ground. A car seen driving away from the scene leads officers to a suspect. Commander Kennedy, overseeing an inquiry into the incident, is unhappy at Smith’s decisions.

Season 26 Episode 10

Sgt Masters and PC Knight attend to a road traffic accident, but a youth hit by the vehicle has fled the scene. Masters is called away to deal with an injured youth in a nearby park. DC Webb and DS Carter continue their investigation into the shooting.

Season 26 Episode 11

The prime suspects in the shotting incident are released because of lack of evidence. DC Webb falls out with DS Carter over the handling of an informan

Season 26 Episode 12
The Truth Will Out

DS Moss and DC Banks investigate the disappearance of a four-year-old boy. A vehicle seen near the scene of the boy’s disappearance leads the detectives to a suspected paedophile.

Season 26 Episode 13
Great Power

Supt Meadows is overseeing crowd control at a football match but Commander Kennedy becomes concerned when one group of fans is shepherded into a confined area. The situation on the ground soon escalates.

Season 26 Episode 14
Great Responsibility

Supt Meadows has to deal with criticism that poor crowd control measures led to the riot following the football match. Commander Kennedy’s son is placed at the scene of the stabbing.

Season 26 Episode 15
Bad Blood

A drug dealer is convinced that death of his brother, who was knocked off his bike and killed, was no accident. DC Webb and DS Carter investigate.

Season 26 Episode 16
Paying the Price

Sgt Masters and PC Gayle are called to a disturbance at a hotel. They discover a badly-beaten man in a hotel room, but the married woman who booked the room has disappeared. DC Banks and DS Moss establish the identity of the attacker, and try to uncover the connection between the three. DI Manson appears distracted, to the consternation of his colleagues.

Season 26 Episode 17
Suffer in Silence

PCs Gayle and Ryder are called to a disturbance and arrest a man for assault. He accuses the victim of abusing him as a child, but it appears to be a case of mistaken identity. DC Banks and DI Manson try to build a case against the real abuser. Manson’s son Jake is diagnosed with leukaemia

Season 26 Episode 18
That Type of Cop

DC Perkins and DS Carter deal with a traumatised 15-year-old girl, who has surfaced after disappearing two years earlier, and uncover a business forcing underaged girls into prostitution.

Season 26 Episode 19
Deadly Consequences

DI Manson oversees the investigation into the murder of an eleven-year-old boy, and assigns DC Dasari as FLO. The post mortem examination exposes inconsistencies in the mother’s account of events leading to the boy’s disappearance.

Season 26 Episode 20
Walk on My Grave

DS Carter and DC Perkins investigate the stepfather of the murdered eleven-year-old, and uncover a hijacking operation.

Season 26 Episode 21

DS Carter leads an investigation into a paedophile who is grooming young girls on the internet. DCs Webb and Perkins challenge Carter over his cocaine problem

Season 26 Episode 22

PCs Gayle and Roberts track down the owner of an abandoned car and are advised that he has left the country on business. DS Carter and DC Dasari are suspicious, and soon find out that the man has been kidnapped. DI Manson tells the team about his son’s leukaemia. DS Carter pretends to DC Perkins that he has told Manson about his cocaine habit.

Season 26 Episode 23

PCs Knight and Taylor are alerted to the discovery of a young woman’s body on a rubbish tip. Suspicion falls on the woman’s partner, and the officers race to find the woman’s partner before he harms himself or their young son.

Season 26 Episode 24
The Calling

PCs Taylor and Roberts, searching for a missing pregnant woman, find her badly injured after being knocked down by her own car. One of the car-jackers is soon identified, and she incriminates her boyfriend as the driver. PC Taylor, still traumatised after the events of the previous day, is determined to get a result. Sgt Stone receives some news about his estranged father.

Season 26 Episode 25
Taking a Stand

Sgt Stone and PC Knight attend a report of a disturbance. An elderly widow claims to have been burgled, but Knight presses her and establishes that the woman has been raped. DC Perkins takes on the case, but the investigation is hampered by the woman’s refusal to undergo a medical examination.

Season 26 Episode 26
Who Dares Wins

DS Carter leads the investigation into the murder of a man whose body is found badly beaten on a footpath. PC Knight establishes that the man had been drinking at his local pub shortly before his death, but the bar staff prove unhelpful. Carter’s erratic behaviour forces DC Perkins to once again challenge him over his cocaine use.

Season 26 Episode 27
Balance of Power

PCs Knight and Taylor call at the home of a couple who have been reported missing and discover that the house has been burgled. DC Dasari and DS Moss investigate and suspect the couple’s son of involvement, but DS Carter’s investigation into the couple’s finances provides the key breakthrough.

Season 26 Episode 28
Death Knock

PCs Knight and Roberts are called to a disturbance and attend to a young woman who has apparently fallen from a first floor window. Police discover that the house is a brothel, and suspicion falls on the woman’s pimp, but there is insufficient evidence to prosecute. Sgt Stone discovers that his father has died.

Season 26 Episode 29

PCs Gayle and Knight try to help a young mother who is being threatened by a local mechanic, but she is too frightened to co-operate. Sgt Stone is determined to prove to his estranged mother that his late father was guilty of raping a probationer twenty years before.

Season 26 Episode 30
Respect, Part One

Insp Smith attends to a 14-year-old boy who has been fatally stabbed in a gang-related incident. DI Manson leads the investigation, and DC Webb calls on a former informant for assistance.

Season 26 Episode 31
Respect, Part Two

Supt Meadows is determined to secure a confession to murder, but Insp Smith and DC Dasari are unable to persuade the gang-rape victim to co-operate with the investigation.