Season 16

Season 16 Episode 1

DCI Burnside arrives to investigate a murder which looks like part of a series of male rapes gone too far. Andy Wilson, one of the previous victims remembers something about an angel when he was attacked. Following a statement from taxi driver Steve Sanderson, DC Holmes finds a man matching Sanderson’s description on CCTV tapes: his name is Mark Angelis and he works for a courier service with an angel logo. Although DS Boulton arrests Angelis in possession of a knife, he insists it is for self defence against the rapist. DS Stanton visits a profiler at Scotland Yard, and later discovers that taxi driver Sanderson has made a similar statement to Stafford Row station. Stanton and Proctor visit Sanderson’s wife, and discover evidence that he is the culprit. They call Burnside to tell him, but he’s in the back of a cab – Sanderson’s cab…

Season 16 Episode 2
In the Firing Line

PC Smith is working undercover as a bodyguard for a South African drug importer named Tony Rourke. Rourke offers Smith a contract to kidnap and torture a senior police officer to find the location of a police informer they need kept quiet. Ordered by SO10’s DCI Tasker to remain in place and find out more, Smith comes up with a plan to abduct the officer, who turns out to be Sun Hill’s own DCI Meadows. Rourke and his right-hand man Jake begin to doubt Smithy’s integrity, and end up executing his plan themselves. With DCI Meadows missing, a massive search is underway, until Smithy convinces Ken Stockley, the informant Rourke and his financier are after, to tell him not only Meadows’ location but also the identity of Rourke’s mysterious “money man” – Lucy Haslock, a City lawyer. SO19 raid the warehouse and recover Meadows, in bad shape but alive.

Season 16 Episode 3
Thug on the Tyne, Part 1

Northumbria Police arrest one ‘Frank Bentley’ with a boot full of drugs and a handgun, after a high speed car chase through Newcastle. ‘Bentley’ and his ‘lawyer’ Liz McAuley are actually DCI Frank Burnside and DC Liz Rawton on an undercover assignment to investigate corrupt CID officers in Newcastle. Their target is DCI Bonnet, who seems to be in collusion with local gangster Saul Anderson. Despite Burnside being threatened by Anderson, and Rawton’s cover nearly being blown when she runs into her cousin Cheryl at a bar, Burnside manages to gain Bonnet’s trust. When Bonnet and Burnside meet at a private club, they are shocked when the police raid the place, but manage to escape without being spotted or arrested.

Season 16 Episode 4
Thug on the Tyne, Part 2

Although they are undercover, Burnside agrees to let Liz Rawton visit her mother. Despite a close shave at a family gathering when her cousin’s boyfriend turns out to be an associate of Saul Anderson, Rawton and Burnside survive with their cover intact. Burnside even takes part in a little karaoke! Burnside is not pleased when Customs seize a crateful of guns meant for Anderson that he was supposed to see through. Anderson is not pleased either, and takes Burnside for a little drive. Bonnet and Anderson turn against each other, and Anderson is shot. As Bonnet is about to shoot Burnside as well, armed police arrive and he ends up shooting himself

Season 16 Episode 5
Riot City

Ch. Insp. Conway and a team of Sun Hill officers undergo riot simulation training at the Met’s training depot in Hounslow. Meanwhile, DC Glaze goes undercover at the Cockroft Estate to gather evidence of dealing in stolen goods, but discovers more than he bargains for when he discovers two rival families battling for control of the estate, and which may be stockpiling petrol bombs and weapons for a showdown.

Season 16 Episode 6
Crime and Punishment

Ch. Supt. Brownlow’s is implicated in an insurance fraud. P.C. Hollis investigates suspicious events at a crematorium.

Season 16 Episode 7
Zero Tolerance

Insp. Monroe has trouble dealing with a gang of boy-racers who are harassing and intimidating an elderly couple. When the old man dies after an altercation with the gang, Monroe is urged by Brownlow to show ‘zero tolerance’ to the youths. PC Smith gets close to a nurse at the St Hugh’s nurses’ home while investigating reports of a stalker in the area

Season 16 Episode 8

Ch. Insp. Conway encounters the “Sun Hill Angels” at a function, an escort service which DS Boulton believes is also dealing in drugs. Boulton convinces Conway to help him conduct a sting operation against the Angels, which goes terribly wrong when Conway’s ‘escort’ turns out to be an undercover reporter, conducting her own sting on a senior police officer! To keep the story out of the paper, Boulton and Conway offer the newspaper a chance to be involved in the investigation into Chapman, the owner of the Angels. Reporter Geraldine Sands disappears when she goes to Chapman’s house to collect the drugs, but when the police find the house, they find she has the situation well in hand.

Season 16 Episode 9

PC Sam Harker has infiltrated a group of animal rights activists, thanks to Steve Burton, an old school friend from Liverpool. The group’s leader, Ged Mellings, is suspected to be planning some terrorist action. While undercover, Harker takes part in some protests and animal liberation actions, and begins to sympathise with the cause. Despite some misgivings, Harker proves himself to Meddings, and discovers his plan to firebomb a local department store. CID lie in wait and catch the gang planting the bombs, and Harker is distraught to have betrayed his friend Steve.

Season 16 Episode 10
Trusting the Enemy

D.S. Beech investigates an assault on a drug dealer, and uncovers a corrupt officer.

Season 16 Episode 11
On the Wagon

PC Jim Carver returns to duty after undergoing treatment for his alcoholism. Unfortunately for him, he is paired with PC Dale Smith and their first case involves alcohol! Attending what first appears to be a racial assault at a post office, Carver uncovers a scam to sell thousands of pounds worth of illegally-imported alcohol to off-licences. Smith and much of the relief don’t trust him, and after a Customs raid on a off-licence turns out to be an empty building, Carver must go out on his own (and on his bicycle) to find the person behind the scam.

Season 16 Episode 12
The Untouchables

DC Danny Glaze sees a man set alight on the Larkmead Estate, and becomes determined to solve the case. They identify a suspect’s car from CCTV tapes, and Insp. Monroe discovers a witness to the incident, a girl named Rochelle, who identifies the suspect, Dominic Mileham in a identity parade. When she suddenly retracts her statement and accuses Danny of paying her to identify Mileham, it seems Mileham and his solicitor father will go free. Danny takes a big risk and convinces Rochelle to wear a wire to prove Mileham’s involvement.

Season 16 Episode 13

A young boy, Ashley Palmer, goes missing, and DC Rod Skase is positive Ashley has been abducted by his mother’s boyfriend, Peter Gough. Investigating with PC Nick Klein, Skase questions Ashley’s friend Jason Toomey, who says he saw Ashley get into a car the previous night. Although out of Klein’s earshot, Toomey tells Skase the car has Peter Gough’s registration number. They search the car and arrest Gough on drugs charges, and when blood is found in the car, it looks like Skase was right. When Ashley’s father says it was his car that the boy got into, Skase’s case starts to fall apart. Confined to his desk by a furious DCI Meadows, Skase works out that Ashley’s friend Danny Gough knows he’s on a boat, the “Josie-May”. He races to the dock and is horrified to find that Ashley has died after fighting with Danny. DCI Meadows vows to charge Skase with perverting the course of justice – whether he does or not, Rod Skase’s career in the police is over.

Season 16 Episode 14
Inside Straight

D.I. Deakin and D.S. Beech take part in an high stake poker match.

Season 16 Episode 15
Reasons to Be Fearful

Sgt. Boyden and P.C. Worrell arrest a man dealing drugs to schoolchildren, but D.S. Beech needs to use the man’s mother as a witness against a major villa

Season 16 Episode 16
When the Bough Breaks

Insp. Monroe’s daughter is arrested for shoplifting.

Season 16 Episode 17

P.C. Worrell goes undercover as a prostitute after a punter is assaulted and robbed.

Season 16 Episode 18
Meltdown, Part 1

P.C. Quinnan volunteers to work with the community centre on the Jasmine Allen estate, where he was stabbed, but D.S. Boulton threatens to undermine the initiative in his pursuit of a suspected drug dealer.

Season 16 Episode 19
Meltdown, Part 2

P.C. Quinnan disobeys orders to find a missing youth as the police face an uphill struggle to gain control of the Jasmine Allen estate.

Season 16 Episode 20
Meltdown, Part 3

P.C. Quinnan and D.S. Boulton agree to set aside their differences to nail Mick Glover, but the strain of the case starts to disrupt Quinnan’s domestic life.

Season 16 Episode 21
Kiss Off – Part 1

P.C. Santini is desperate to conceal his involvement with the Ortons. One of the AMIP team assigned to investigate the explosion at their club is Det. Sgt. Rosie Fox.

Season 16 Episode 22
Kiss Off – Part 2

D.S. Fox is convinced that P.C. Santini was involved in the murder of Jessica Orton, but her D.C.I. thinks she has lost all objectivity.

Season 16 Episode 23
The Trial of Eddie Santini

P.C. Eddie Santini is on trial at the Old Bailey, accused of the murder of Jessica Orton. As the trial proceeds, Sherman’s employees set about eliminating the key witnesses.

Season 16 Episode 24
The Driver

P.C. Hagen goes undercover as a driver for the manager of a string of massage parlours.

Season 16 Episode 25
Protect and Survive

D.C. Webb arrives at Sun Hill and has to deal with a dangerous prison escapee as members of the relief succumb to injury.

Season 16 Episode 26
Take It or Leave It

D.C. Holmes investigates a suspected money-launderer named Terry Jowit, who is wanted by police in Scotland. Holmes discovers a cheque in Jowit’s mail from an antiques dealer, which leads her to suspect that he buys expensive antiques with ‘dirty money’ as a means of laundering it. What Holmes doesn’t count on is antique dealer Judy Ryan having a tape of D.S. Beech accepting a bribe, and Beech will do anything to keep it a secret

Season 16 Episode 27
Over the Edge

Ch. Supt. Brownlow and Ch. Supt. Mannion are on the panel for a Metropolitan Police hearing against a sergeant who is charged with disobeying a direct order which resulted in the serious injury of another officer. Mannion is easily convinced of the sergeant’s guilt, but Brownlow isn’t so sure.

Season 16 Episode 28

D.C. Lennox carries out an unofficial investigation on behalf of a friend, to the consternation of his colleagues…

Season 16 Episode 29

P.C. Stamp is furious that P.C. Hagen has been chosen to drive the new crime car.

Season 16 Episode 30
Warm Bodies, Part 1

D.S.s Boulton and Stanton investigate a possible connection between two separate assaults.[/b]

Season 16 Episode 31
Warm Bodies, Part 2

D.S.s Boulton and Stanton press on with their investigation, but there is another man in Stanton’s life.

Season 16 Episode 32
Blurred around the Edges

P.C. Smith has to decide whether his loyalties lie with old army friends or his colleagues in the police.

Season 16 Episode 33
Catch a Falling Star

Ch. Insp. Conway jumps at the chance of helping Sixties pop idol Sadie Tyler. He tries to catch an obsessive fan, alleged to have stolen the draft of her autobiography, but his personal feelings get in the way of his professional judgement.

Season 16 Episode 34
The Squad

PC Tony Stamp has been brought in as a driver for the Flying Squad. They’re shadowing a suspect called Barwood, who has just gone into a bank with someone. The person is a keyholder so it must be a manager. The Squad trace the manager’s address and send someone round to see if his family is being held hostage. Someone in the bank triggers the alarm and uniform arrive, scaring off the getaway car. Despite Stamp’s best efforts, they lose the getaway car and the car with the hostage family. Barwood demands to be set free or the family get it

Season 16 Episode 35
White Lies

A Barton Street PC is stabbed when he pursues two robbery suspects into Sun Hill. A black youth, identified as Mark Okin, is found bashed and unconscious at about the same time. PC Jim Carver is assigned to the Okin family in his new role as Family Liaison Officer, but further investigation by CID makes Mark a suspect in PC Brennan’s stabbing. Carver is horrified when DS Daly wants him to use his position of trust with the Okin family to collect evidence against Mark. John Wilson, the boyfriend of Mark’s sister Amy is found to be responsible for the robbery, stabbing PC Brennan, as well as beating up Mark when he refused to take the blame for the stabbing.

Season 16 Episode 36
Search Me

There has been an outbreak of street robberies and stop and search (or stop and talk) is being resumed. Ch. Supt. Mannion asks Ch. Supt. Brownlow to stand in for him for a TV interview. The interview shows footage of the police carrying out two stop and search operations. Brownlow tries to shift some of the blame on his troops, which is greeted with some displeasure. To show the troops that he leads from the front, Brownlow and Ch. Insp. Conway decide to lead from the front and head onto the streets in the C.I.D. car. They respond to a call and collar one of the street robbers. The other robber hops onto a bus and Brownlow gets uniform to stop the bus, leading to some ribald comments about Brownlow arresting them by the busload. Mannion announces he’s setting up a special unit to combat street robberies in the area.

Season 16 Episode 37
Love or Money

D.S. Stanton investigates D.S. Beech’s involvement with a credit card fraudster.

Season 16 Episode 38
Going Public

D.C. Webb investigates an assault but is rather taken with the victim’s beautiful wife.

Season 16 Episode 39
Trust Part 1: A Sprat to Catch a Mackerel

What looks like a drug-related murder by Yardie street gangs on Sun Hill’s patch causes Borough Commander Mannion to call in Operation Trident, who think that the gangs are trying to muscle in on the Larkmead Estate. A new scheme to encourage taxi drivers to help the police bears fruit when an overzealous cabbie brings a ‘prisoner’, Wesley Carter, to the station, saying he heard him making a drug deal. Checking Carter’s phone reveals the number of Leroy Jones (see Borderline). Trident get PC Rickman to phone him and arrange a meeting, as her cover from their last meeting is still intact. Rickman and Jones meet at a health club, but narrowly escape with their lives after a drive-by shooting. Jones confirms Trident’s suspicions about the Yardies, but he and his crew are after a piece of the action as well, Carter looking to supply whilst they do the dealing as a franchise. DC Danny Glaze is beaten up when he listens in on a meeting with Carter, but Rickman manages to convince the gang not to kill him. Worried about the rival gangs killing him, Rickman agrees to let Leroy stay at her flat.

Season 16 Episode 40
Trust Part 2: The Hare and the Hounds

To finance their buy-in to the Bronte drug dealing franchise, Leroy Jones and his gang, including PC Cass Rickman, rob a building society, although the police are waiting for them at the wrong bank. The relief buzzes with rumours that Rickman has “gone native”, although DCI Rostron of Operation Trident believes she is still undercover, and sends PC Sam Harker to watch her flat. Rickman and Jones buy in to the syndicate, but they are kidnapped when Leroy’s friends betray him to rival dealer Toussaint, who sends Rickman to collect the first shipment of cocaine.

Season 16 Episode 41
Trust Part 3: The Deep Blue Sea

Sun Hill station is rife with rumours that PC Cass Rickman has “gone native” and joined Leroy Jones and his gang. As Rickman arrives at the plush hotel room of a City businessman to pick up the cocaine, Toussaint and his thugs burst in and kill him, and Leroy is ordered to kill Toussaint’s main rival, Nathan Clarke. As Sam Harker fears, Cass and Leroy have fallen in love, but Rickman returns to Sun Hill the next day to brief Operation Trident. As she and Leroy return to Toussaint’s garage, SO19 raid the building. Toussaint realises that Rickman is a police officer, and is about to shoot her when a shot rings out – Leroy shoots Toussaint and then runs away. Rickman tells DCI Meadows she didn’t see who shot him… but DS Beech knows better.

Season 16 Episode 42
Room Service

DS Claire Stanton is desperate to be discharged from the Don Beech case, but her CIB boss assures her she is doing well. DS John Boulton accepts a free night at a plush Docklands hotel, and invites Stanton to join him. Sure enough, as the pair settle down for their evening of luxury, an assault and robbery at the hotel sees Sun Hill officers arrive to investigate, and their night is ruined. The next day, CID investigates the theft of a laptop computer, and DS Beech is intrigued by reports of a “mystery blonde” sighted fleeing from the hotel. Horrified that Beech could discover their affair, Boulton and Stanton send Beech to the other side of London while they solve the case themselves – the laptop’s owner was seduced by an employee of a rival computer company. Unfortunately, since her target Beech has discovered their affair, Stanton ends her and Boulton’s relationship.

Season 16 Episode 43
Soft Talking

P.C. Smith has to deliver a baby in the street. Worried about the mother’s condition, he investigates her background, and discovers a history of prostitution and drug abuse.

Season 16 Episode 44
Beyond Conviction

P.C.s Klein and Hagen are called to a stabbing at a shopping centre, and find themselves on the trail of a Rwandan war criminal.

Season 16 Episode 45

D.C. Proctor, under pressure over his poor performance, decides to trap a burglar to avoid being transferred from Sun Hill.

Season 16 Episode 46
Caught Short

D.C. Lennox has to decide where his loyaltes lie when he sees his wife visit a suspect’s home.

Season 16 Episode 47
Bad Habits

P.C. Smith carries out the wrongful arrest of a drugs rehabilitation worker for possession of illegal substances, and is forced to confront his racial prejudice.

Season 16 Episode 48
Say It with Flowers

D.C.s Glaze and Holmes investigate the apparent suicide of a local councillor and uncover a plot to pervert the course of justice by ensuring that massage parlours with links to the local freemasons’ lodge are not raided.

Season 16 Episode 49
No-One’s That Honest

Ch. Insp. Conway is astounded when an elderly man (and former police officer) turns up at the station with a suitcase containing half a million pounds, which he claims he found on the street. As P.C. Rickman counts the money, Conway decides to do some digging, as surely no-one could be that honest.

Season 16 Episode 50
No Man’s Land

Sgt. Cryer is angry at D.C. Webb’s couldn’t care-less attitude towards a body found on a roundabout, so sets about identifying the man himself.

Season 16 Episode 51
Time to Kill

Sgt. Ackland adopts a new “virtual” identity to trap a sinister cyberstalker who is dating and attacking women.

Season 16 Episode 52

Sgt. Boyden is shocked to discover that someone has been impersonating him, raiding illegal poker games and pocketing all the cash, and decides to go undercover as a punter to trap him.

Season 16 Episode 53
Lullaby, Part 1

P.C. Smith takes a seven-year-old Chinese boy under his wing after his parents mysteriously disappear.

Season 16 Episode 54
Lullaby, Part 2

P.C. Smith gets closer to Tim Tze as the search for his parents continues. D.I. Deakin discovers that the family’s restaurant has been put up for sale and uncovers details of an extramarital affair.

Season 16 Episode 55
Lullaby, Part 3

P.C. Smith and Tim Tze are kidnapped. Officers discover that the boy’s missing parents were involved in a money laundering operation.

Season 16 Episode 56
Gentle Touch, Part One

A terrified young woman fears that she has become the victim of a stalker. But as PC Polly Page investigates the case she finds that she too is being drawn into a nightmare world of unseen terror.

Season 16 Episode 57
Gentle Touch, Part Two

As her friendship with stalker victim Emma Roberts develops, PC Polly Page is determined to find the stalker and starts to believe that he might be closer than she thought.

Season 16 Episode 58
Gentle Touch, Part Three

PC Page learns what it’s like to be a victim of crime as the crazed stalker targets her, making nuisance calls and breaking into her flat. DCs Lennox and Glaze focus their investigation on Emma Roberts’s boss, and discover he had an intriguing visitor in prison.

Season 16 Episode 59
Some Like It Hot

DC Lennox is stung by comments about his physical fitness and determines to beat Ch Supt Brownlow at squash, as soon as he has arrested a villain from his past. PC Page reaches out to PC Quinnan after her stalking experience, but he rebuffs her.

Season 16 Episode 60
First Impressions, Part One

Probationary PCs Ben Hayward and Roz Clarke arrive for their first day at Sun Hill, and are subjected to a series of wind-ups by the relief.

Season 16 Episode 61
First Impressions, Part Two

PCs Hayward and Clarke try to redeem themselves after a disastrous first day, and decide to exact revenge on the wind-up merchants on the relief.

Season 16 Episode 62
Old Enemies

P.C. Carver stops a driver who appears a little the worse for wear – former DS Ted Roach.

Season 16 Episode 63
New Friends

Former DS Ted Roach, now working as a private investigator, helps Sun Hill CID nail a local villain.

Season 16 Episode 64
Supping With the Devil

DS Don Beech meets ‘businessman’ Howard Fallon at a poker game. When Beech’s winnings turn out to be counterfeit notes, he confronts Fallon who offers him a substantial bribe to find out who hijacked one of his lorries and to get to the stolen shipment before Customs or the police. DS Daly is suspicious when Beech tries to get involved with the investigation, but one of Daly’s snouts points the finger at a former employee of Fallon’s and the driver of the missing truck. It looks like the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Beech and Fallon.

Season 16 Episode 65
Touch and Go

DS Beech is outraged when Rachel Booker, a dancer at one of Howard Fallon’s clubs, is brutally attacked, and Beech’s mobile number is among her possessions. DS Boulton and DS Stanton find the main suspect is Warren Askew, who was obsessed with Rachel, but he doesn’t seem to have been responsible. When Boulton tries calling the phone numbers Rachel had, he is shocked when Beech answers the phone. Beech makes an excuse that he tried to pick up Rachel in a bar, and begs Boulton to overlook that piece of evidence. When Boulton and Stanton’s enquiries begin to lead them to Ray Bazzini, Fallon’s minder, Beech plants evidence to frame Askew who is arrested for Rachel’s murder when she dies, and who hangs himself in his cell.

Season 16 Episode 66
Fake Fur

A series of mysterious numbers in Rachel Booker’s diary is revealed by Scotland Yard to be a set of bank accounts. One of Rachel’s fellow dancers, Lynette, is persuaded by DS Boulton and DS Stanton to tell them what’s going on. Vickery’s, a fur export company owned by Howard Fallon and Ray Bazzini, is actually a front for a money laundering operation. Stanton and Boulton go on a double date with Beech and his girlfriend Maggie Lyons. The case is turned over to the NCS, but Stanton covertly photographs Beech meeting with Fallon.

Season 16 Episode 67
In Safe Hands

PC Sam Harker finds out that a 14-year-old boy has been sleeping with his foster mother. It’s a dilemma, but Harker makes the painful decision to inform the Child Protection Team and the Social Services. DS Beech tries to get Boulton and Stanton on his side, while they try to find Lynette, their witness against Howard Fallon

Season 16 Episode 68
Find the Lady

DS Stanton tries to find out if her lover DS Boulton is working with Don Beech, but finds nothing. When their star witness Lynette turns up again, they immediately hide her in a safe house where she tells them that Ray Bazzini killed Rachel Booker. Beech tells Fallon the location of the safe house and Lynette escapes from the thugs he sends to get her, but disappears again. As Stanton is about to tell Boulton about her secret assignment, he gets a phone call from Beech who needs to talk to him urgently. They meet at a construction site, where Beech admits he has been working for Fallon and it was him who gave up Lynette’s location. He tries to convince Boulton to help him out, for friendship’s sake and possibly for money, but an angry Boulton refuses. They fight, and in the struggle, Beech beats Boulton to death. He realises what he has done and flees the scene, leaving behind the body of the late DS John Boulton…

Season 16 Episode 69

PC Quinnan and PC Carver find the body of DS Boulton. Sun Hill is in shock, none more so than the devastated DS Stanton. AMIP (the Area Major Incident Pool) arrive to investigate Boulton’s death and their investigations eventually lead them to Don Beech who mysteriously disappears. Stanton trails Maggie Lyons to a shopping centre where she has arranged to meet Beech, but he escapes.

Season 16 Episode 70
The River

Don Beech turns himself in to CIB, but DS Stanton is horrified when he convinces Det. Supt. Hodges to use him in a sting operation to catch not only Howard Fallon, but two corrupt Drug Squad detectives, Tasker and Garrard, who are also on Fallon’s payroll. Fitted with a tracking device, Beech meets Fallon and the detectives in a riverside warehouse while Hodges, Stanton and an SO19 team wait outside. Shots are fired, and as the police storm the building they find Fallon and the others tied up, the tracking device shot off, and Beech missing. Beech swims across the river to meet Maggie, but a heavy police presence causes her to leave without him.

Season 16 Episode 71
All Fall Down Part One

CIB sweep into Sun Hill and suspend the entire CID department with immediate effect. DC Lennox is horrified to discover that DS Stanton was a CIB mole. As the disgraced detectives are interviewed to establish their connection to Don Beech, DCI Meadows hurriedly calls in some favours at Scotland Yard. Ch. Supt. Brownlow finds himself under pressure to resign, which he reluctantly does. Meanwhile, Beech prepares to go into hiding.

Season 16 Episode 72
All Fall Down Part Two

CIB take Maggie Lyons in for questioning, but Don Beech hires a crooked lawyer to represent her, as well as perform other useful services. Beech obtains a false passport and buys a quantity of diamonds with the money he stole from Howard Fallon as he prepares to flee the country with Maggie. Sun Hill officers continue to be interviewed by CIB, and although no firm connection with Beech can be established, it’s the end of the line for DI Deakin, DS Daly and DC Holmes. DCI Meadows manages to survive the cull due to his contacts in the Yard. Maggie changes her mind about following Beech, and he boards a flight to Australia alone.

Season 16 Episode 73
On the Hook Part One

The new CID team arrives at Sun Hill, lead by the new station commander, Supt Tom Chandler. DCI Meadows is facing a disciplinary board hearing, but is assigned to head the investigation of an apparently racially-motivated harassment of a local family, and the main suspect turns out to be Helen Freeley, a woman Meadows had an affair with several years previously. As the Sun Hill officers get to know the new faces at the local pub, Helen Freeley’s son Darren is found murdered.

Season 16 Episode 74
On the Hook Part Two

Under pressure from the new superintendent to solve the Freeley murder case, DCI Meadows questions the prime suspects, two friends of Melody Griffiths who were seen leaving the scene, KJ Leonard and Oz Benson. Traces of Leonard’s skin are found on Darren Freeley’s knuckles, and although Oz Benson admits they were there and were angry with Freeley, they didn’t kill him. Leonard had threatened to kill him because he was seeing Melody Griffiths, but had also told Darren’s brother Michael. When PC Rickman finds the murder weapon, the forensic evidence points to Michael as the killer, and when confronted by Meadows, he breaks down and admits that it was him. With the case solved, DCI Meadows attends his misconduct hearing, after some not-too-encouraging words from Supt Chandler.

Season 16 Episode 75
A Girl’s Best Friend

PC Quinnan finds the body of a man who has died of a heart attack in a car. When delivering the man’s personal effects to his wife, Quinnan is mortified to find they include a gift to the man’s mistress, a woman named Alice. Trying to do a good deed, Quinnan resolves to deliver the gift to its intended recipient, but things become much more complicated when his wife Jenny Quinnan discovers the gift and thinks he’s having an affair, and CID discover that the dead man is wanted by Interpol for diamond smuggling.

Season 16 Episode 76

DC Glaze and PC McCann end up at loggerheads over each other’s attitudes to policing when they work together to investigate a drugs case. A heated conversation and a brush with death for Glaze during the London Carnival inspire both officers to change their ways: McCann applies to take the sergeants’ exam, and Glaze shaves off his afro.

Season 16 Episode 77
Behind Enemy Lines

DC Spears and PC Smith are taken hostage when an armed bank raid goes terribly wrong. As SO19 units surround the building, Ch. Insp. Conway and Supt. Chandler arrive to negotiate with the two robbers, Dwight and Rollo. A tense stand-off ensues, and PC Smith realises the men are ex-soldiers and that they had help from one of the bank employees. Rollo shoots Dwight during an argument, and Chandler orders SO19 to storm the building despite Conway’s objections. Spears is taken hostage, but Rollo turns the gun on himself when he realises there is no way out of the situation.

Season 16 Episode 78
A Gathering Storm

PC Smith is suspected of having racist or personal motives when he fails to respond to an urgent assistance call from PC McCann, who is badly beaten by a gang of neo-Nazi skinheads. Determined to clear his name, Smith veers dangerously close to compromising an SO10 undercover operation to arrest the gang’s leader, Jurgen Holz, on drug trafficking charges.

Season 16 Episode 79

PC Klein spends all night DJing at a local nightclub, and lies to Sgt Cryer when he skips work the next day. Unfortunately for him, Cryer soon finds out what really happened, and to make matters worse, CID investigate an abduction/extortion case in which two of the victims accuse Klein of using drugs at the club the night before.

Season 16 Episode 80
Team Colours

A post-match fight is being arranged between two rival gangs of football fans, and Sun Hill is the venue. When Supt Chandler assigns DI Cullen to the case, DCI Meadows is determined to show him up by cracking the case himself using a teenage assault suspect and member of the Larkmead Crew as an informant. When Cullen and Lennox discover Meadows’ informant has lied to him about the gang’s intentions, CID and Uniform rush to head off the mob before they attack an Asian marketplace.

Season 16 Episode 81
Two Way Burn

Two young girls are trapped in a house fire, and end up in hospital in a critical condition. When the fire department turns up evidence of arson, DCI Meadows is assigned to lead the investigation, with DCs Webb and Spears. Suspicion falls on a loan shark who was seen outside the house just before the fire, then on the girls’ father, but ultimately their mother is to blame. Meanwhile, Webb and Spears “light some fires” of their own.

Season 16 Episode 82

A raid on a brothel uncovers several illegal immigrants from Croatia forced to work as protitutes. The owner of the premises, Carson agrees to reveal who is bringing these girls into England and the brothels, a person called Luca in exchange for a lesser charge but on the way to court, the police van is ambushed and Carson kidnapped. After the car used in the ambush is found with blood stained seats, it is suspected Carson has been killed. Carson’s lawyer, Doyle eventually agrees to set up a meeting with Luca and Boyden sets up a surveillance operation on a locker. A female who ran away during the police raid on the brothel called Lutza collects the money and it turns out she is in fact Luca as well and responsible for setting up the agency that sends Croatian women to England. Afterwards, McCann receives the good news that he has passed his Sergeant’s exam and leaving Sun Hill.

Season 16 Episode 83
Bad For Your Health Part One

It’s Dave Quinnan’s first wedding anniversary, and tensions are high between him and Polly Page. A series of brutal beatings reveals a turf war between two rival gangs of cigarette smugglers. Nick Klein finds himself in trouble when he tries to buy a mixing desk from his favourite DJ, Johnny Margolis, and ends up abducted by the McBride gang.

Season 16 Episode 84
Bad For Your Health Part Two

PC Klein is missing from morning parade, and PCs Quinnan and Stamp find him unconscious and badly injured in a crashed van belonging to the McBride cigarette smuggling gang. With DS McAllister determined to prove that Klein was corrupt, Uniform race to find evidence to clear his name. Missing DJ Johnny Margolis seems to be the key, and he is found when the police search McBride’s house.

Season 16 Episode 85
The Night Before

PC Smith becomes a knight in shining armour for a shop assistant when he and PC Rickman apprehend a shoplifter with a little help from Santa. DS McAllister maliciously ruins PC Hollis’s plans for the Sun Hill Christmas Party, forcing him to organise another venue. The party turns sour and a fight breaks out, and when PC Quinnan tends to an injured PC Page, they end up in bed together

Season 16 Episode 86
The Morning After

Sun Hill returns to normal after the Christmas break, although PCs Quinnan and Page are acting suspiciously. As the pair try to rekindle their affair, DCs Lennox and Webb investigate the assault on a shop assistant, and discover it was actually a pair of crooked security guards who were responsible. PCs Hagen and Page have a minor PolAcc, and when Hagen tries to tell PC Stamp about Page and Quinnan’s affair, he accuses her of trying to get back at Page for the accident.