Quick Fire Quiz

:gayrainbow: 1. What was Tosh Line’s first name?

:gayrainbow: 2. What is the name of the borough that Sun Hill stands in?

:gayrainbow: 3. Which Crime Scene Examiner failed to date DC Jo Masters but not for the lack of trying?

:gayrainbow: 4. Which PC covered up for Sally Armstrong after her drunken driving accident?

:gayrainbow: 5. What profession did Karl Bradford have? (bonus point if you can name the actor who played him).

:gayrainbow: 6. What was the name of Dave Quinnan’s wife (and because I am feeling generous you can have an extra point if you can tell us her maiden name too)

:gayrainbow: 7. Which Sun Hill officer joined DI Frank Burnside to catch the ‘Thug On The Tyne’?

:gayrainbow: 8. Which officer left Sun Hill to go into witness protection until Dennis Weaver could be brought to justice?

:gayrainbow: 9. Which PC lasted less than one shift working at Sun Hill?

:gayrainbow: 10. Which officer left Sun Hill to join the Fine Art Squad?

:gayrainbow: 11. Which Sun Hill officer made good use of her sign language skills to question a suspect?

:gayrainbow: 12. Which actress played Phil and Steve Hunter’s mother? (bonus point if you can name the actor who was James Lloyd (Steve Hunter) real life father?).

:gayrainbow: 13. Name the genius who created The Bill.

:gayrainbow: 14. What is the name of the local hospital where the injured are often sent?

:gayrainbow: 15. What language, other than English, was DS Max Carter fluent in?

:gayrainbow: 16. What P is the name of Bob Cryer’s wayward son?

:gayrainbow: 17. Which officer was shot, left fighting for his life and viewers were left wondering whether he lived or died, the Bill novels mentioned he was invalided out of the force but a TV documentary many years later confirmed his death?

:gayrainbow: 18. Which officer was accused of Bullying PC Gary Best?

:gayrainbow: 19. What was Burnside’s first name on his very first The Bill appearance? (and you can have a bonus point if you can explain why he had a name change).

:gayrainbow: 20. Which officer had a relationship with both Eddie Santini and Matt Boyden?




:gayrainbow: 1. Alfred

:gayrainbow: 2. Canley

:gayrainbow: 3. Eddie Olosunjie

:gayrainbow: 4. PC Ben Gayle

:gayrainbow: 5. Priest – Sam Callis

:gayrainbow: 6. Jenny Delaney

:gayrainbow: 7. Liz Rawton

:gayrainbow: 8. PC Nick Klien

:gayrainbow: 9. Billy Rowan

:gayrainbow: 10. Mike Dashwood

:gayrainbow: 11. WPC Suzanne Ford

:gayrainbow: 12. Anita Dobson – Kevin Lloyd (who played DC Tosh Lines)

:gayrainbow: 13. Geoff McQueen

:gayrainbow: 14. St. Hughs

:gayrainbow: 15. Polish

:gayrainbow: 16. Patrick

:gayrainbow: 17. PC Pete Ramsay

:gayrainbow: 18. DC Suzie Sim

:gayrainbow: 19. Tommy – there was already an officer in the MET at that time with the name Tommy Burnside.

:gayrainbow: 20. PC Vicky Hagen