PC Pete Muswell

Portrayed By: Ralph Brown

First Appearance Snouts and Red Herrings

Final Appearance The Chief Super’s Party

Call Sign 210

Pete Muswell was an unpleasant character. Highly prejudiced against anyone who wasn’t male or white, he was not the type of officer you would want to come to your aid. He wasn’t popular with the relief either, welcoming PC Abe Littleton to the station with a large belch. In actual fact the only time anyone took a liking to Pete was when he was chased around a garden by Hector the goat, and even the goat was high on drugs at the time. We were lead to believe that during the coal miners strike of the early 80’s Muswell went up to Yorkshire to police the strike and caused the death of a miner with his over exuberance of the use of his truncheon. The miner’s brother appeared at Sun Hill to take revenge upon Pete but he had already left the force. Pete Muswell was not a nice person to know, but great for the viewer to watch.



Official Site

Twitter https://twitter.com/Ralphwjbrown

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0114460/?ref_=nv_sr_1

Where Can I See Ralph Now?

Ralph can be seen in three episodes of Godfather of Harlem.