PC Leon Taylor

Portrayed by: Dominic Power

First appearance: New Blood #660 (12.6.08)

Final appearance: Respect: Part 2

Call Sign: 437

It is safe to say that Leon wears his heart on his sleeve he can be reliable and caring but also has a tendency to brood about things when they go wrong. Leon will stretch the rules if he thinks that someone is in danger. In one instance he brought a child into protective custardy knowing full well he would receive a wrap over the knuckles from his superiors for his actions. In another instance he crossed Inspector Weston after allowing a mother escape with her child in the hope they could find a better life. Leon’s previous loss of his girlfriend had a major impact upon his performance as a police officer, but generally his life experiences made him a more thoughtful and caring officer.



Official Site 

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1120462/?ref_=nv_sr_1

Where Can I See Dominic Now? 

We believe that Dominic is now working behind the scenes as a videographer/director.