PC Laura Bryant

Portrayed by Melanie Kilburn

First Appearance Episode 214

Final Appearance Episode 415

Call Sign 217

We first met Laura Bryant as an aggrieved mother, she was living on the almost lawless Cole Lane Estate. Then her luck changed – for the worse. Cole Lane Estate got itself a new police officer, PC Gabriel Kent, who brought with him his own sense of justice. Laura agreed with Gabriel’s methods to begin with; with the help of his possie he cleared the estate of paedophiles and trouble makers. However, Gabriel’s gang didn’t stop there, beating teens and bullying shopkeepers, Laura then turned into Gabriel’s loudest critic. Eventually Gabriel was taken off the estate and we thought that was the last of Laura Bryant. Until Laura turned up at Sun Hill in a PSCO uniform. In her role as a PCSO she impressed everyone, well everyone except Gabriel.  She was everything you would expect in a good cop, calm under pressure, genuine rapport with the public… it was no wonder that Sgt Smith very quickly began to encourage Laura to become a full time police officer. Eventually Laura returned from Hendon fully qualified and ready to take on the streets of Canley and for almost a year all went as well as it could for any Sun Hill officer. Unfortunately for Laura’s son, Liam, life was not going so well, he was being bullied because of his mother’s association with the police. After Liam’s arrest Laura was ready to give up, however, Inspector Gina Gold suggested that Laura joined Barton Street where her hours were a little more favourable. Sun Hill’s loss was Barton Streets gain.



Official Site

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0452950/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

Where Can I See Melanie Now?

Melanie has had a reoccurring guest role as the Reverend Irene Mills in Eastenders.