PC George Garfield

Portrayed by: Huw Higginson

First Appearance Only A Bit of Thieving

Final Appearance Love and War, Part Two A Day To Remember

Call Sign SO 218

George Garfield grew up during his decade at Sun Hill Police Station. During his early years he lived in the section house with his mates, Steve Loxton, Tony Stamp, Polly Page and Dave Quinnan. It was a great team and George was lucky to be under the guidance and supervision of Sergeant Bob Cryer. During these early years there was an incident where George needed back up, only to discover Sergeant Matthew Boydon was nowhere to be found, the incident upset the whole relief, although in time the incident was forgotten about and life returned to ‘normal’.  Sun Hill was on the whole a good place to be for George. He learnt much on the job gaining the knowhow to keep his temper in check and deal with his finances. George’s career progressed and PC Garfield became the relief’s Federation Rep. George embraced the responsibility of his new role supported his colleagues well. Life became rather complicated for George after a routine patrol went awry, he watched on helpless whilst his pal Dave Quinnan was stabbed by a group of youths. George was traumatised. Following this George then found himself in a rather messy love triangle with Dave’s nurse Jenny Delaney and Dave himself. Poor George left Sun Hill broken hearted and went off to find himself in the big wide world.



Official Site

Twitter https://twitter.com/HuwHigginson

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0383520/?ref_=nv_sr_1

Where Can I See Huw Now?

Huw can currently be heard on The Bill Podcast discussing his time in The Bill.