PC Ben Hayward

Portrayed by Ben Peyton

First Appearance First Impressions: Part 1 19/9/2000

Final Appearance #008 16/4/2002

Call Sign 740

There is the saying you know you are getting old when the policemen look like they are getting younger, well after watching young PC Ben Heyward pound the beat I feel ancient! Like other officers who were highly intelligent Ben could sometimes lack common sense when it came to dealing with the public, on occasion this young officer did need guidance from his colleagues and superior officers.  A family tragedy, the overdose and subsequent death of his sister, gave Ben an ardent stance on anti-drugs, which on occasion caused ripples with his colleagues. His honest, emotional approach to drug talks to school children had more of an impact on the children and quite possibly put them off for life! Unfortunately Ben’s stay was a short one at Sun Hill, when he was killed when the station was firebombed during the race riots.



IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0679029/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

Official Site https://benpeytonreviews.com/


Where Can I See Ben Now?
Ben can be heard on The Bill Podcast please check the podcast discussion for links of the podcasts. You can also read Ben’s new book, ‘Luke Stevens and the Blood of St George’ which we highly recommend.