DS Ted Roach

Portrayed By Tony Scannell

First Appearance A Friend In Need 23/10/84

Final Appearance Punch Drunk 15/5/93

Call Sign

Ted Roach wasn’t one of those police officers who followed the rule book to the letter, instead Ted was guided more by pub opening times. That didn’t mean that Ted Roach was a bent officer, he spoke openly about his dislike of those. However, Ted did stretch the odd rule on occasion to ensure a result and get a result he often did, Ted was a good old fashioned thief catcher. When his superior officer DI Frank Burnside arrived at Sun Hill Ted Roach was livid, Burnisde came with a corrupt reputation. However, over time Frank and Ted carved a great working relationship and watched each others backs. And it was a good job that Frank Burnside did have Ted Roaches back, his Superintendent certainly didn’t, preferring to treat the Detective Sergeant with mistrust and disdain. Chief Superintendent Charles Brownlow made sure that everyone know that Ted would never rise above the ranks of Detective Sergeant whilst he was in charge at Sun Hill. Lack of career prospects made Ted bitter, life made Ted bitter and what better way to deal with his bitterness than a scotch? Drink would be Ted’s ultimate downfall at Sun Hill, his fondness for women didn’t do him any favours either, his brief fling with Inspector Christine Frazer didn’t go unnoticed. Ted was finally caught brawling in a pub by officers fighting over a woman, Frank Burnside loyal to Ted as ever fought his corner but Ted was on self destruct mode and walked out of Sun Hill for good, not before punching Inspector Monroe. After spending almost a decade at Sun Hill it was another 11 years before we heard his name mentioned again. This time we watched the storyline of his death, Jack Meadows aided by a retired Bob Cryer and Alec Peters investigated the hit and run that killed him. Right until his final hours Ted Roach took great enjoyment in whiskey and women. How will he be remembered, the drunk who decked his Inspector and stormed out of the station or as DI Galloway described, ‘a good catcher of villains’? The latter I hope.

During a radio interview with Christopher Ellison who played Frank Burnside, Christopher informed listeners that he was originally offered the role of Ted Roach, viewers everywhere thank him for this decision.

“What ever you do say will be taken down and laughed at.”
“What Is this? Game for a Laugh?” “No, Nicked for a Giggle?”

Official Site

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0769003/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1

Where Can I See Tony Now?

Tony sadly died in June 2020.