DS John Boulton

Portrayed by Russell Boulter

First Appearance Faith In The System, Saved

Final Appearance Find The Lady
(only as a corpse) Fifty-Fifty

Call Sign

We first met DC John Boulton of Barton Street Police Station in 1994 when he was accused of assault of a prisoner on Jim Carvers obbo.  Later, he returned to Sun Hill as a Detective Sergeant.  John was highly ambitious and made no secret of this, using whatever means available to get a result.  He wasn’t the most popular officer, he made himself even less popular after the stabbing of PC Dave Quinnan when George Garfield and other officers held him responsible for the incident.

There was another, softer side to DS Boulton which viewers saw after John had been spiked by a suspect’s needle, leading to a HIV scare. His superior officer, DCI Jack Meadows supported John through this ordeal. There was another officer who was able to see beyond John’s bravado: DS Claire Stanton.  She and John soon embarked on a relationship, which was cruelly stopped in its tracks by the very corrupt DS Don Beech. Unwilling to help Don they got into a fight, which sadly resulted in John’s death.  Claire went to the ends of the Earth to bring Don Beech to justice.


The Character of John Boulton was initially created for one episode by writer, Matthew Wingett (brother of Mark).


Official Site

Twitter https://twitter.com/russellboulter?lang=en

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0099584/?ref_=nv_sr_1

Where Can I See Russell Now?

We are waiting to hear of Russell’s next project, please watch this space for news.