DI Roy Galloway

Portrayed by: John Salthouse

First Appearance Woodentop

Final Appearance Not Without Cause

Call Sign

DI Roy Galloway did not take fools gladly. In fact ‘gladly’ was not a word you would use to describe Roy: angry, fierce, and loud would be much better adjectives. If Roy Galloway was having a bad day, the whole station would know about it, his rages could quite simply shake the foundations of Sun Hill. There were very few officers who would dare to cross Galloway, in fact he was so fierce that WPC June Ackland almost resigned after he blamed her for his issues. Although Ted Roach was brave enough to argue with him, it was only Sgt Bob Cryer who would really stand his ground with the Detective Inspector. In time Roy and the sergeant developed mutual respect and understanding. There was one officer at Sun Hill however, who hero worshipped DI Galloway and could often be found two steps behind him.  PC Dave Litten saw Roy as his ticket into CID and spent much time trying to please him. Roy on the other hand had to spend extra time clearing up the mess created by PC Litten! For all his scary faults, it could not be denied DI Roy Galloway was a good thief taker, he was clever, and got results. We will never know why Roy left Sun Hill but we can safely say the CID was a much quieter place without him… well until the appearance of his replacement, Frank Burnside.


In the pilot episode, Woodentop Roy Galloway was portrayed by the actor Robert Pugh, however, because John Salthouse played the part for years we have dedicated this profile to him.

According to Wikipeadia John Salthouse was a retired footballer, playing for Crystal Palace under the name John Lewis – please message the admin team if you can verify this information.


Official Site

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0759110/

Where Can I See John Now?
We are not too sure if John is working on any projects at the moment, if we hear any news we will be sure to share.