DC Will Fletcher

Portrayed By Gary Lucy

First Appearance Episode 371

Final Appearance Be A Man

Call Sign 543

When Will rode into Sun Hill on his motorbike he was a bit of a nomad, sleeping on friends sofas, eventually finding a bed at PC Dan Casper’s home. His friendship with Dan was somewhat fractious: Dan would have much preferred Emma Keane as a lodger, however, he was tricked into taking Will. Then when Will cheated Dan out of a place on a driving course it took a few days of sleeping on friends sofas (and in Honey Harmen’s bed) before their friendship resumed and Will was allowed back. On the whole Will was a good solid police officer and he rapidly rose to the high ranks of DC. Thankfully Will managed to stay out of the rule breaking clutches of his sergeant, Callum Stone, although he did bend a rule or two but was very uncomfortable in doing so. His first day in CID was a memorable one, Will made the most of being out of uniform and arrived looking suave – it didn’t take long before will realised CID was much more than a fashion parade. Will was never lacking in self-confidence, one drunken kiss with Emma Keane and he believed she had dropped her boyfriend to be with him. He upset poor Honey Harmen, she wanted more of their relationship – he was only after a bit of fun. After five fairly eventful years at Sun Will transferred to Westminster.



Official Site

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gary_Lucy

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0524804/?ref_=nv_sr_1

Where Can I See Gary Now?

Gary can currently be seen in the Channel 4 soap Hollyoaks.