DC Kezia Walker

Portrayed By: Cat Simmons

First Appearance #419 8/6/06

Final Appearance Conviction Judgement Day 16/7/09

Call Sign

Kezia Walker was one very memorable character, although perhaps not for her cheery disposition. Kezia did care and was not afraid to stand up for what she thought was right, leading to one or two arguments with colleagues. She arrived at Sun Hill CID as a trainee straight out from uniform and impressed DI Neil Manson who in time allowed her to become a fully fledged DC. She also impressed Sgt Dale Smith whom she had a short relationship with, until he got cold feet. Kezia transferred out of Sun Hill along with Superintendent John Heaton, Inspector Rachel Weston and DS Stuart Turner.



Official Site

Twitter https://twitter.com/CatSimmons

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1469291/?ref_=nv_sr_1

Where Can I See Cat Now?

We believe Cat can be seen in the film Dune: Part 2 and also Chuck Chuck Baby.