DC Jim Carver

Portrayed by: Mark Wingett

First Appearance: Woodentop 16/8/83

Final Appearance: #289a 24/2/05

Exit Storyline: Left to seek a fresh start after the end of his marriage.

Call sign: 600

“Right Carver, lets do it…” the immortal words that was a beginning of a wonderful 27 year era. The words were spoken by a young police officer on his first day at Sun Hill Police station. Slightly unsure whether he should have been a social worker or a police officer this probationer blundered through his first day, in actual fact he almost lost his job in the process: clipping one young lad around the ear… these TV cop shows have a lot to answer for! Thankfully the lad’s father thought his son needed a good clip around the ear too. The young officer, Jim, soon lost his naivety and blossomed into an officer with a social conscience. By 1988 Jim made it to the heights of CID and nothing short on tenure was going to remove him from the position. Almost a decade later with a stalled career Jim took his return to uniform rather badly consoling himself in drink. The drink nearly ruined what was left of his career and once he had beaten that demon he then had to deal with issues of gambling swindling June Ackland’s life savings to pay off his gambling debts. It was no wonder Jim’s marriage to June failed and also that to a fellow alcoholic, Marie, before her. We waved goodbye to Jim as he left Sun Hill in a black cab in 2005 headed for pastures new, only for himto return in 2007 as a DS working in Manchester on the hunt for an escaped drug dealer.



“Right Carver lets do it.” First ever words spoken on Woodentop.

“Bradford? She’s got about as much community spirit as Adolf Hitler.”

(about Gina Gold) “How’s the dragon this morning? Is she breathing fire or smoking it?”

Official Site: 

IMDb https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0935047/?ref_=nv_sr_1

Twitter https://twitter.com/huskyfusky

Where can I see Mark Now? 

Mark can be seen in an Amazon series ‘Dark Ditties’ which is now available to download.