Inspector Gina Gold

Portrayed By Roberta Taylor

First Appearance#021 (27.6.02)

Final Appearance An Honour To Serve II #627 (2.10.08)

Call Sign Serria Oscar 1

We all knew from the moment Inspector Gina Gold entered Sun Hill Police Station she was one tough cookie. Hurricane Gina entered the station giving Sgt June Ackland a serve before her first shift barely began. Promoted to Inspector Gina transferred from CID to Sun Hill uniform section and in doing so she brought the CID and Uniform sections of Sun Hill closer, although DS Phil Hunter caught the rough end of her tongue on occasion. An old school cop, Gina expected herself and her team to abide by the rules, she was livid when she discovered Dale Smith and Gary Best had fixed her breathalyzer test so she wouldn’t loose her job.  There was the odd occasion when she allowed these rules to be bent, such as sharing a quick drink with the team before the shift had ended or the time she lied that she saw a man with a firearm as she believed he needed to be given a fright, but on the whole she was as straight as they came.

Gina Gold was married to the job but that didn’t stop her from having the odd relationship. the most serious was with CPS lawyer Johnathan Fox but even he could not entice her away from her first real love; policing.  Gina did have a few close friendships with some at the station, Sam Nixon, Adam Okaro (whom she had a relationship with in years gone by) and of course Dale Smith.

Gina kicked cancer’s ass, and those of many a villain, but when her bottle finally began to go Gina decided it was time to leave Sun Hill and move to pastures new.


To Craig Gilmore: “I’m not homophobic, but my opinion about the Welsh should be kept to myself”

“This is not a Marxist collective, you know. When I say do it – you go do it.”

“Rules are rules, and if I thought for one minute you were bending them for anyone – including me – I’d kick you from hell to breakfast!”

To Dale Smith after the relief gave her flowers once news of her cancer had gotten out: “Put them in water, preferably the Thames.”

Official Site


Where Can I See Roberta Now?
We are waiting to hear of Roberta’s next project, please watch this space for news.