Cast Twitter Links

Below can be found a list of public Twitter pages of The Bill cast members.

Please take note that we have not added pages marked as private, nor have we added accounts that we have deemed as personal, i.e. no discussion of The Bill, or work projects etc…

Nicola Alexis/ PC Ruby Buxton

Aml Ameen/ PC Lewis Hardy

Michele Austin/ PC Yvonne Hemmingway

Micah Balfour/ PC Ben Gayle

Rhea Bailey/ PC Mel Ryder

Ali Bastian/ PC Sally Armstrong

Russell Boulter/ DS John Boulton

Stefan Booth/ Sgt Mark Rollins

Colin Blumenau/ PC Francis ‘Tafffy’ Edwards

Moya Brady/ Robbie Cryer

Bruce Byron/ DC Terry Perkins

Joy Brook/ DC Kerry Holmes

Ralph Brown/ PC Pete Muswell

Sam Callis/ Sgt Callum Stone

Lolita Chakrabarti/ WPC Jamilia Blake

Graham Cole/ PC Tony Stamp

Karl Collins/ DC Danny Glaze

Beth Cordingly/ PC Kerry Young

Jane Danson/PC Gemma Osbourne

Holly Davidson/ PC Roz Clarke

Greg Donaldson/ DC Tom Proctor

Chris Ellison/ DI Frank Burnside

Tanya Emery/ DC Kate Spears

Iain Fletcher/ DC Rod Skase

Russell Floyd/ DC Ken Drummond

Clare Foster/ PC Millie Brown

Abhin Galeya/ PC Arun Ghir

Vickie Gates/ Marilyn Chambers

Claire Goose/ Insp. Rachel Weston

Gary Grant/ DC Paul Reily

Ashley Gunstock/ PC Robin Frank

Melanie Gutteridge/ PC Emma Keane

Julie Graham/ Commander Lisa Kenndy

Ciaran Griffiths/ DC Gary Best

Steven Hartley/ Superintendent Tom Chandler

Chris Humphreys/ PC Richard Turnham

Connie Hyde/ PC Cathy Bradford

Jon Iles/ DC Mike Dashwood

Chris Jarvis/ PC Dan Casper

Larry Lamb/ Jonathan Fox

Andrew Lancel/ DI Neil Manson

Gary Lucy/ DC Will Fletcher

Louisa Lytton/ PC Beth Green

Daniel MacPherson/ PC Cameron Tait

Suzanne Maddock/ PC Cass Rickman

Scott Maslen/ DS Phil Hunter

Lisa Maxwell/ DI Sam Nixon

Scott Neal/ PC Luke Ashton

Andrew Paul/PC Dave Quinnan

Kerry Peers/ WDC Suzi Croft

Ben Peyton/ PC Ben Heyward

Carolyn Pickles/ DCI Kim Reid

TJ Ramani/ DC Zain Nadir

Ben Richards/ PC Nate Roberts

Natalie J Robb/ PC Andrea Dunbarr

Patrick Robinson/ DC Jacob Banks

Sally Rogers/ Sgt Jo Masters

Natalie Roles/ DS Debbie McAlistair

Cat Simmons/ DC Kezia Walker

Chris Simmons/ DC Mickey Webb

Ged Simmons/ DI Alex Cullen

Hywel Simons/ Sgt Craig Gilmore

Lucy Speed/ DS Stevie Moss

Jeff Stewart/ PC Reg Hollis

Georgia Tennant/ Abi Nixon

Kim Tiddy/ PC Honey Harmen

Paul Usher/ PC Des Taviner

Alex Walkinshaw/ Insp. Dale Smith

Clive Wedderburn/ PC Gary McCann

Mark Wingett/ PC Jim Carver

Kaye Wragg/ Sgt Diane Noble